Nucleotide Sequence of the Coding and Flanking Regions of the Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Fusion Glycoprotein Gene

Summary The complete nucleotide sequence of the human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) fusion (F) protein gene has been determined. The HPIV3 F gene is 1851 nucleotides long including six U residues in the genomic RNA, which probably direct synthesis of the first few nucleotides in the F mRNA polyadenylate tail. The HPIV3 F gene contains a single long open reading frame coding for 539 amino acids. The predicted molecular weight of the unglycosylated precursor F0 protein was 60031. Four potential carbohydrate acceptor sites were identified. Comparison of the HPIV3 F protein sequence with the F gene sequences of two other paramyxoviruses, Sendai virus and simian virus 5, indicated a very close evolutionary relationship between HPIV3 and Sendai virus. Sequence analysis of HPIV3 F gene flanking regions identified signals which appear to be responsible for polymerase recognition and polyadenylation.