No evidence of an association between MMR vaccine and gait disturbance

Background: MMR vaccine has been reported to cause gait disturbance, and this possible association has been claimed to support the MMR-causes-autism theory. Aims: To determine whether any association between gait disturbance and MMR vaccination exceeds the age related background rate of gait disturbance, using record linkage and self control case series analyses. Methods: MMR vaccination records were linked to hospital admission and general practitioner attendance data. An increased rate of gait problems with onset in various intervals in the 60 day period after MMR vaccination was looked for in children aged 12 to Results: No evidence of an increased rate of hospital admission or general practice consultations for gait disturbance was found in the putative post-vaccination risk periods. Conclusions: This study provides no evidence for a causal association between MMR and gait disturbance.