We examine the power associated with the test of factor mean differences when the assumption of factorial invariance is violated. Utilizing the Wald test for obtaining power, issues of model size, sample size, and total versus partial noninvariance are considered along with variation of actual factor mean differences. Results of a population study show that power is profoundly affected by true factor mean differences but is relatively unaffected by the degree of factor loading noninvariance. Inequality of sample size has a profound effect on power probabilities with power decreasing as sample sizes become increasingly disparate. Sample size variations operate such that power is uniformly lower when the group with the smaller generalized variance is associated with the smaller sample size. An increase in the number of variables yields uniformly larger power probabilities. No substantial differences are found between total and partial noninvariance. Results are related to work in the area of robustness of Hotelling's T 2 statistic and discussed in terms of asymptotic covariability of factor means and factor loadings. Implications for practice are considered.