General Summary: 1. The aim of this paper has been to review the theory behind kin recognition to examine the benefits individuals obtain by recognizing their kin and to review the mechanisms used by individuals in their recognition of kin.2. The ability to discriminate between kin and non‐kin, and between different classes of kin gives individuals advantages in fitness greater than individuals unable to recognize their kin. Four specific areas of benefit were considered: altruistic behaviour, co‐operative behaviour, parental care and mate choice. Finally the possibility that kin recognition has arisen as a byproduct from some other ability was discussed.3. Mechanisms of kin recognition were considered with respect to three essential components of kin recognition. The cue used to discriminate kin, how individuals classify conspecifics as kin, etc. and how the ability to recognize kin develops.4. Individuals can use a number of cues to discriminate kin from non‐kin. These were divided into cues presented by conspecifics (conspecific cues), of which three types were considered: individual, genetic and group/colony cues, and non‐conspecific cues, environmental, state and no cues. Kin recognition could be achieved by use of all these cues.5. How individuals classify their conspecifics as kin, etc. can be achieved in a number of ways; dishabituation or self‐matching, which require no learning of kinship cues, or by phenotype matching or familiarity, both of which require the learning of kinship information.6. It may be necessary for individuals to acquire information concerning kinship. This may be learned, and can be achieved in a number of ways; physiological imprinting, exposure learning or associative learning. Acquisition by these means is non‐selective, in that the cues which are most salient in the individual's environment will be learned. Selectivity can be introduced into this process to increase the probability of acquiring kinship information by a number of means; learning from parents, sensitive periods for learning and prenatal learning. Finally, kinship information could be supplied by recognition genes.7. A distinction is drawn between cues which are used by an individual in the discrimination of kin, discriminators, and cues which are used by individuals in the acquisition of information about kinship, acquisitors.8. Experiments used to support previous categories of mechanisms of kin recognition were examined in the light of this discussion and it was found that the results were open to a number of different interpretations and yielded little specific information about the mechanisms of kin recognition.9. It was concluded that there was much evidence, both theoretical and experimental to support the proposed benefits individuals gain from recognizing kin, but much more research is required before the mechanisms of kin recognition are fully understood.