Numerical Determination of Transmembrane Voltage Induced on Irregularly Shaped Cells

The paper presents an approach that reduces several difficulties related to the determination of induced transmembrane voltage (ITV) on irregularly shaped cells. We first describe a method for constructing realistic models of irregularly shaped cells based on microscopic imaging. This provides a possibility to determine the ITV on the same cells on which an experiment is carried out, and can be of considerable importance in understanding and interpretation of the data. We also show how the finite-thickness, nonzero-conductivity membrane can be replaced by a boundary condition in which a specific surface conductivity is assigned to the interface between the cell interior (the cytoplasm) and the exterior. We verify the results obtained using this method by a comparison with the analytical solution for an isolated spherical cell and a tilted oblate spheroidal cell, obtaining a very good agreement in both cases. In addition, we compare the ITV computed for a model of two irregularly shaped CHO cells with the ITV measured on the same two cells by means of a potentiometric fluorescent dye, and also with the ITV computed for a simplified model of these two cells.