Feminizing Leydig cell tumor: endocrine and incubation studies

A 32-year-old patient with a history of surgery for left gynecomastia four years previously presented with right gynecomastia; a tumor in the left testis proved to be a Leydig cell tumor. Preoperative investigations showed elevated but variable levels of plasma estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1), and reduced serum LH and FSH and plasma testosterone (T). After hCG stimulation, E2 response was increased and abnormally prolonged; T reached normal values, which has predictive value for a return to normal of post-operative T level. After left orchiectomy, gynecomastia regressed within a few days, gonadotropins increased by day 2, estrogens dropped by day 2 and were normal at day 7, T and 5 α-dihydrotestosterone dropped at day 2 but reached normal levels at day 16. Pathophysiology of these hormonal data are discussed. An incubation procedure with 3H testosterone showed an aromatase activity 21 times greater in the tumor than in normal peritumoral tissue, while the percentage of the volume occupied by Leydig cells was 34 times higher. This suggests that the aromatase activity of a single tumor cell is very similar to that of a normal Leydig cell. Furthermore, evidence of juxtatumoral Leydig cell hyperplasia in areas where the tumor was well encapsulated suggests the existence of a factor stimulating Leydig cell multiplication.