Heterotrophic growth of the filamentous blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum

Plectonema boryanum can grow in the dark with ribose, sucrose, mannitol, maltose, glucose, or fructose. Cell doubling times with 10 mM substrate are the following: 5 days with ribose, 6 days with sucrose or mannitol, 10 days with maltose, 12 days with glucose, and 13 days with fructose; with ribose plus 0.1% casamino acids it is 2.5 days. Dark-grown cells appear morphologically similar to light-grown cells. Cells grown in the dark for several years remain pigmented and resume photoautotrophic growth when placed in the light. Dim light (85 lux) increases the growth rate with ribose and with ribose plus casamino acids to nearlytwice that of the dark rate. In moderate light, growth takes place with ribose even in the presence of 1x10-5 M DCMU.