Strontium Extraction with a Polymer-Bound 18-Crown-6 Polyether

A 18-C-6 crown ether-functionalized polystyrene network (2.04 mmol 18-C-6/g, noted R-18C6) has been synthesized by reaction of hydroxymethyl-18-crown-6 with the related chloromethylated polymer (5.6 mmol Cl/g, 6.5% crosslinked with divinylbenzene). The extraction of strontium from 1 M LiNO3—LiCl aqueous solutions with R-18C6 has been studied. The experimental data agree with the sorption equilibrium (log K25°C. = 2.52, and the superscript asterisk denotes a polymer bound species). Sr(NO3)2 is selectively extracted with R-18C6 from aqueous nitrate solutions containing trivalent lanthanum and europium. Replacing LiNO3 with HNO3 does not alter the extraction yield. The stripping of Sr(NO3)2 from the polymer network is complete at 60°C in distilled water but, owing to poor water swelling of the resin. the kinetics of extraction and stripping are rather slow.