How countercurrent blood flow and uneven perfusion affect the motion of inert gas

Monte Carlo simulations of the passage of inert gas through muscle tissue reveal that countercurrent gas exchange is more important than heterogeneity of flow in determination of the shape of inert gas washout curves. Semilog plots of inert gas washout are usually curved rather than straight. Two explanations often offered are that countercurrent flow may distort the shape and that uneven perfusion of the tissue gives rise to nonuniform washout. The curvature of the semilog plot may be summarized by the relative dispersion (RD), which is the ratio of the standard deviation of transit times to the mean transit time. For straight semilog plots, RD is 1. Semilog plots of data showing xenon washout from dog tissues are curved and have and RD of approximately 2. We have simulated the transit of gas particles through a vascular bed composed of repeating units of 100 mg of tissue perfused by three small vessels 80 microns in diameter and several levels of branching that direct flow through 190,000 capillaries. Geometric distribution of flow is important. Similar degrees of flow heterogeneity affect the curvature of the washout curve more if regions of heterogeneous flow are widely spaced than if they are close together. Diffusion blunts the effects of heterogeneous flow by mixing particles in high-flow regions with particles in low-flow regions. Because of this mixing, alternating regions of high flow and low flow spaced at intervals of less than 0.5 cm are unlikely explanations for the curved semilog plots.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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