Tetranectin in amniotic fluid, maternal serum and fetal fluids

The concentration of the newly discovered protein tetranectin has been measured in different fetal and maternal compartments. In amniotic fluid a significant, positive correlation between the tetranectin concentration and gestational age was found (a mean of 0.2 mg l-1 at week 14 to a mean of 0.5 mg l-1 at week 21). In maternal serum a slight negative correlation was found between tetranectin concentration and gestational week (a mean of 6.17 mg l-1 at week 14 to a mean of 5.79 mg 1-1 at week 21). In-term cord blood collected at delivery a mean level of 6.0 mg T1 was found, and no difference was found between arterial- and venous-blood tetranectin concentration. In fetal serum the overall mean level was 2.6 mg 1∼ and a significant positive correlation between tetranectin concentration and gestational age was found. The mean level was 1.1 mg l-1 in fetal cerebrospinal fluid and no correlation to gestational age was found. Fetal tetranectin may, therefore, be correlated to fetal maturation.