A Multivariate Analysis of Factors Affecting Wound‐Healing Time

For post‐Mohs surgical defects of the head and neck, the width of the defect is the best predictor of the length of that time it will take the wound to heal. This conclusion is based on a multivariate analysis, testing the effect of the following factors on wound‐healing time: (1) age, (2) sex, (3) sound location, (4) wound width, (5) wound length, and (6) wound length × wound width.After accounting for wound width, none of the other factors significantly influenced the rate of wound healing. The 64 wounds evaluated were dressed daily with one of five bandages.When compared with the controls, and after correcting for wound width, each of the test bandages shortened wound‐healing time. Among the treatment groups, no significant differences were found in the cultures or in the appearance of the wounds.