Users' views of two alternative approaches to the treatment of postnatal depression

Postnatal depression (PND) is a major public health concern, yet services are lacking. Most women with PND receive routine primary care from general practitioners, health visitors, and in a few cases community psychiatric nurses. A Parent and Baby Day Unit (PBDU) has been developed in Stoke-on-Trent and attendance at this Unit has a greater therapeutic impact on PND than routine primary care (RPC). This small pilot study elicits user views to understand the role of specialist and routine care in PND treatment and pinpoints which aspects of specialist care are important to women. Thirty women with PND attending the PBDU and 30 receiving RPC completed a questionnaire on their views of the service they received. Written comments were analysed thematically using content analytic techniques. The majority of women attending the PBDU were satisfied with this service, whereas women receiving RPC were dissatisfied with their treatment and a perceived absence of information. The main value of the PBDU seems to be one of social support. Effective communication from primary care professionals is important for women with PND and a perceived lack of information is a major cause of dissatisfaction. Availability of peer and professional support is perceived as valuable, but is insufficient within primary care.