Study of the C12(p,pα)Be8 Reaction and Excited States of C12

The C12(p,pα)Be8 reaction has been studied for several proton and α-particle angles using a bombarding energy of 57 MeV. It is found that the reaction proceeds primarily by sequential α decay, i.e., the proton inelastically scatters, leaving C12 in an excited state which then decays by emitting an α particle. The properties of several of the excited states of C12 in the giant dipole region were investigated. States at 19.7, 21.1, 22.2, and 26 MeV were found which have a significant T=0 component. In addition, the C12(p,2pα)B11 reaction was measured simultaneously. These data indicate that a C12 state at 20.3 MeV decays to the ground state of B11 by proton emission.