A positive response for phosphorylase activity was observed in the sections of the uterus, heart and tongue of the rat and rabbit. Enzymatic activity was observed in the myometrium and luminal epithelium of the rat uterus while in the rabbit phosphorylase activity was only present in the myometrium. In the uterus of the rat and rabbit enzymatic activity was highest following estrogen treatment. UDPG-glycogen transferase activity was observed in the sections of the heart and tongue that were incubated in the substrate containing UDPG. However, in the uterus of the castrate or hormone-treated animals, UDPG-glycogen transferase activity was not observed. The results seem to indicate that in the uterus of the rabbit and rat only one polysaccharide forming pathway is present and perhaps the polysaccharide is synthesized from G-1-P and not from UDPG through the enzyme UDPG-glycogen transferase.