All of the 21 possible monosomic lines have been screened and confirmed from 33 monosomic stocks of Avena byzantina C. Koch cv. ‘Kanota’. All of them, except Mono-21 which was a progeny of monosomic ‘Cherokee’ (A. sativa) repeatedly backcrossed with ‘Kanota’, were obtained in the progenies of haploid (2n = 3x), aneuploid (2n = 6X±) and autotriploid (2n = 9X) partners of twins. Identification of the monosomics was carried out by means of the double monosomic method, monosomic analysis on marker genes, leaf peroxidase isozyme analysis, karyotype analysis and nullisomic analysis. The monosomic lines were numbered from Mono-1 through to Mono-21, mainly in the order of monosome length from the longest to the shortest. Most monosomic lines were hardly distinguishable by morphological characteristics from each other or from normal disomics. In the selfed progenies of four monosomic lines, Mono-8, -9, -17 and-19, segregation of nulli-, mono- and disomics was observed, but no nullisomics were found in the other lines. In most cases the frequency of monosomics ranging from 35.5 to 97.8% was, compared to those of nulli- and disomics, highest in the selfed progeny of monosomics. The monosomic lines were easily maintained and can be used for genetic analysis because of their good seed fertility and high monosome transmission rate. They have the near isogenic background of ‘Kanota’.