Hyperfine fields in Sm1−xGdxAl2 alloys—Microscopic evidence for ferromagnetic coupling between rare earth spins

The results of hyperfine field studies on Sm1−xGdxAl2 alloys for 0?x?0.5 are reported. The hyperfine field at Al, H(Al), has been measured to be +32.5 kOe in SmAl2 and −47 kOe in GdAl2. In Sm1−xGdxAl2 alloys, we find that the magnitude of H(Al) increases with increasing x and further H(Al) becomes negative even with small replacement of Sm by Gd. H(Al) in these compounds is proportional to the average value of spin per rare earth ion. The observed behaviour can be understood in terms of a ferromagnetic coupling between the spins of Sm and Gd.