Potency-Sparing Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy: A Simplified Anatomical Approach

A simplified method of nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy for clinical stage T2a prostate cancer is described based on primary isolation of both neurovascular bundles and secondary division of the urethra, with the puboprostatic ligaments undivided to provide suspension of the deep venous complex above the urethra. The principles for this approach after division of the deep vein complex are based on early unilateral incision of the prostatic fascia laterally, parallel to the ipsilateral neurovascular bundle and extending from the proximal prostate to the urethra; separation of anterior (prostatic) and posterior (rectal) Denonilliers' fascia, which leaves the neurovascular bundle invested in the latter tissue; perforation and incision of contralateral prostatic fascia at its urethroprostatic angle, with cranial extension of the fascial opening dropping the ipsilateral neurovascular bundle invested in its fascia (Denonvilliers' posterior), and anastomotic division of the urethra at its entrance into the prostate.