Serotonin and Dopamine: Distribution and Accumulation In Aplysia Nervous and Non-Nervous Tissues

1. Serotonin is present in several ganglia in Aplysia in concentrations of 2-4 gm/gm and is also present in the heart (0.6-1.3 μgm/gm). 2. During incubation of auricles in vitro serotonin-3H is concentrated tenfold from the medium. This accumulation is inhibited by DMI, ouabain and Na + -free (TRIS) solutions. Ganglia incubated in vitro concentrate less serotonin-3H and at least a portion appears to be bound in non-nervous tissue. 3. Dopamine is present in high concentration (24 /igm/gm) in some ganglia but is absent in others. There is a large amount of dopamine in the gill and the walls of the branchial vein, probably in sensory neurons. 4. Although dopamine is not present in the auricle, it can be concentrated there, presumably in serotonergic neurons.