EPR and Optical Absorption Study of BrCland Associated Centers in Doped KCl Crystals. I

Correlated optical and EPR studies show that after x- or γ-ray irradiation combined with proper thermal treatment, BrCl molecule ions aligned along the six directions are present in crystals of KCl doped with a small amount of KBr. The BrCl molecule ions, which have a strong σ-polarized transition at 382 nm and a much weaker but still somewhat σ-polarized transition at 760 nm, are thermally more stable than the VK centers (Cl2) from which they are formed. The increased thermal stability of BrCl is believed to arise primarily because the electronegativity of chlorine is greater than that of bromine. A study of the reorientation kinetics at 88°K reveals that the reorientation of BrCl proceeds by 90° jumps as well as 60° jumps, and very probably also by 120° jumps, whereas many homonuclear molecule ions reorient only by 60° jumps.

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