Diode-pumped continuous-wave, quasi-continuous-wave, and Q-switched laser operation of Yb3+,Tm3+: YLiF4 at 1.5 and 2.3 μm

We report continuous-wave (cw), quasi-cw and Q -switched laser oscillation of Yb3+,Tm3+ -doped YLiF4 at 1.5 and 2.3 μm. Maximum cw output powers of 300 mW at 1.5 μm and 450 mW at 2.3 μm have been obtained. Quasi-cw excitation revealed 20 mJ pulses at 1.5 μm. The cw pumped 1.5 μm laser was passively Q -switched using a U:CaF2 crystal as saturable absorber with a repetition rate of 65 kHz and a pulsewidth of 800 ns. An average output power of 19 mW was achieved. The dynamics of the system was simulated using a rate equation model.