Implications of the present bound on the width of theΘ+(1540)

The recently reported Θ+(1540) exotic baryon seems to be very narrow: Γ(Θ)<1MeV according to some analyses. Using methods of low energy scattering theory, we develop expectations for the width of the Θ, an elastic resonance in KN scattering in a theory where the characteristic range of interactions is 1   Fermi. If the Θ is a potential scattering resonance, generated by the forces in the KN channel, its width is hard to account for unless the KN-channel orbital angular momentum is two or greater. If the Θ is generated by dynamics in a confined channel, its coupling to the scattering channel is at least an order of magnitude less than the coupling of the Λ(1520) unless 2. Either way, if the Θ proves to be in the KN s- or p-wave, new physics must be responsible for its narrow width.