Several oligosaccharide and N-linked glycan samples have been utilized to evaluate structural detail obtained with an ion trap mass spectrometer (ITMS). Using multistage MS/MS (MSn) in a commercial instrument, linear sequence, linkage, and branching have been studied, as well as the positional isomers within branched glycans. Samples were prepared as methylated derivatives, which amplifies the structurally informative cross-ring and double glycosidic cleavage products associated with interresidue linkage and oligomer branching detail. Spectral analysis of a linear glucose homopolymer demonstrated ITMS to be comparable with data obtained from a triple-quadrupole instrument, and in a study of complex glycans, the feature of MSn enabled the assignment of linkages that cannot be assessed by conventional triple-quadrupole tandem instrumentation. The longer time scale of CID experiments enhances the abundance of multiple bond ruptures important for a complete understanding of structure. This technology appears to provide a significant step toward the goal of characterizing all aspects of carbohydrate structure using a single instrument.