The diffraction cone for exclusive vector meson production in deep inelastic scattering

We develop the color dipole gBFKL phenomenology of a diffraction cone for photo- and electroproduction $\gamma^{*}N \to VN$ of heavy vector mesons (charmonium & bottonium) at HERA and in fixed target experiments. We predict a substantial shrinkage of the diffraction cone from the CERN/FNAL to the HERA range of c.m.s. energy $W$. The $Q^{2}$-controlled selectivity to the color dipole size (scanning phenomenon) is shown to lead to a decrease of the diffraction slope with $Q^{2}$ (which is supported by the available experimental data). We predict an approximate flavor independence of the diffraction slope in the scaling variable $Q^{2}+m_{V}^{2}$. For diffractive production of the radially excited $2S$ states ($\Psi',\Upsilon'$) the counterintuitive inequality of diffraction slopes $B(2S) \lsim B(1S)$ is predicted, which defies the common wisdom that diffraction slopes are larger for reactions with larger size particles.

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