Einfluß exogener Faktoren auf die präzäkale Nährstoff- und Aminosäurenresorption, ermittelt an Schweinen mit Ileo-Rektal-Anastomosen

In digestion trials using pigs fitted with ileo-rectal anastomoses and intact pigs, the influence of two different grinding finenesses (coarse, fine) of vegetable high-protein concentrates (soya bean meal, field bean, lupin) added to cereal diets was examined. It was found that neither the precaecal nor the total nutrient absorption and digestibility were practically injured, when in the concentrates the particle sizes bigger than 2 mm did not amount more than 20% and whole grains hardly occurred. The investigations concerned the crude putrients, watersoluble carbohydrates and starch as well as the indispensable and dispensable amino acids. The apparent and true precaecal absorption values and total digestibility data for soya bean meal (heat treated), field bean (variety 'Fribo' and yellow sweet lupin (variety 'Bornova'--calculated by the different method--are given and discussed.