The D-dimensional string generated gravity models lead to Einstein-Maxwell equations with a quadratic order correction term called the Gauss-Bonnet (GB) term. We calculate the quasinormal modes for the D-dimensional charged black hole in the framework of this model. The quasinormal spectrum essentially depends upon the Gauss-Bonnet coupling parameter α which is related to the string scale, and is totally different from that for black holes derived from Einstein action. In particular, at large α the quasinormal modes are proportional to α and, thus, have greater oscillation frequency and damping rate, while as α goes to zero the quasinormal modes approach their Schwarzschild values. In contrary to Einstein theory black hole behavior, the damping rate of the charged GB black hole as a function of charge does not contain a characteristic maximum, but instead the monotonic falling down is observed. In addition, there has been obtained an asymptotic formula for large multipole numbers.