Balloon expulsion test facilitates diagnosis of pelvic floor outlet obstruction due to nonrelaxing puborectalis muscle

We compared balloon expulsion, defecography, colonic transit times, anal manometry, and electromyography in 21 patients with severe constipation. Defecography demonstrated nonrelaxation of the sphincter during straining in all patients. Only 12 patients were unable to expel a balloon. Colonic transit was normal (five) or showed rectosigmoid delay (seven). All 12 patients were offered biofeedback. The nine patients able to expel a balloon had normal colonic transit (six) or colonic inertia (two). Rectosigmoid delay was due to severe intussusception in one patient. Anal manometry and pudendal nerve latencies revealed no difference between those who could and those who could not expel a balloon. Balloon expulsion seems to be a more reliable way to diagnose pelvic floor outlet obstruction due to nonrelaxation of the puborectalis muscle. Nonrelaxation of the sphincter on defecography should be correlated with balloon expulsion and colonic transit studies.