Elastic wave propagation in confined granular systems

We present numerical simulations of acoustic wave propagation in confined granular systems consisting of particles interacting with the three-dimensional Hertz-Mindlin force law. The response to a short mechanical excitation on one side of the system is found to be a propagating coherent wave front followed by random oscillations made of multiply scattered waves. We find that the coherent wave front is insensitive to details of the packing: force chains do not play an important role in determining this wave front. The coherent wave propagates linearly in time, and its amplitude and width depend as a power law on distance, while its velocity is roughly compatible with the predictions of macroscopic elasticity. As there is at present no theory for the broadening and decay of the coherent wave, we numerically and analytically study pulse propagation in a one-dimensional chain of identical elastic balls. The results for the broadening and decay exponents of this system differ significantly from those of the random packings. In all our simulations, the speed of the coherent wave front scales with pressure as p16; we compare this result with experimental data on various granular systems where deviations from the p16 behavior are seen. We briefly discuss the eigenmodes of the system and effects of damping are investigated as well.