Membrane Filter Procedure Applied in the Field

Field application of membrane-filter techniques has been proposed for quick detection of bacterial pollution of water supplies in the event of natural or wartime disaster. Laboratory studies reported dealt with (1) utilization of a specially designed garment for incubation of inoculated membrane filters by body heat of wearer, (2) applicability of durable containers to field-culture methods, and (3) feasibility of using a fully prepared and packaged differential medium for coliform detection and enumeration. Tin and plastic containers tested yielded satisfactory results and did not adversely affect coliform productivity or sheen character. The incubator vest appears feasible for body incubation of membranes under field or emergency conditions. A selective EHC-modifier Endo medium may be stored for 3-4 wks. without destroying its usefulness. Results suggest application of technique to small-scale surveys in remote areas where accurate results must be obtained quickly by starting or completing the incubation at the sampling site or where laboratory facilities are not conveniently available.

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