5-Bromouracil (BU) was pulsed into the genome of synchronously growing cells of an F(-) strain of Salmonella typhimurium of LT2. BU-labeled genes were transduced with P22 phage to a series of recipient auxotrophs. When BU was incorporated early in the replication cycle, the transducing markers that had hybrid densities were those that lie between 9 and 12 o'clock on the genetic map. When BU was incorporated during the terminal period of the synchronous cycle, the transducing particles had hybrid densities for genes that lie from 1 to 8 o'clock clockwise. When phages were prepared on cells in which the middle period was BU-labeled, transducing particles with hybrid densities appeared for genes that lie in two separate regions: between 7 and 9 o'clock and between 12 and 2 o'clock. Analysis of the map sequences of the transduced BU genes, the relative frequency of transduction for each marker, and the time sequence of replication led to a hypothesis that the origin of replication is near the isoleucine-valine gene on the chromosome map. As for direction of replication, several models were considered, including the possibility that replication may proceed in both directions in the same chromosome. It was also found that the aroB, cysG, and strA genes are cotransduced and strA and aroC are also cotransduced. The relative order of the four genes was found to be aroB, cysG, strA, aroC, but the orientation in the circular map was not determined.