Effects of Pinealectomy and Ocular Enucleation on Diurnal Periodicity of Leucocytozoon smithi (Haemosporina) Gametocytes in the Peripheral Blood of Domestic Turkeys1

Domestic turkeys naturally infected with Leucocytozoon smithi were blinded by bilateral ocular enucleation, pinealectomized, sham‐pinealectomized, pinealectomized plus enucleated, or maintained as controls. Groups of turkeys were acclimated to either light‐dark periods of 14L:10D or “darkness” with intermittent periods (10–20 min) of red light at irregular hours approximately every three days as required for maintenance of turkeys. Peripheral gametocyte numbers of L. smithi in all groups were determined every 2 h over a 36 h period. Under 14L: 10D photoperiod, no observable difference in the pattern of gametocyte circadian rhythmicity between pinealectomized, enucleated, pinealectomized plus enucleated, and control turkeys was noted. Although mean parasitemias differed among groups, peak gametocyte numbers occurred between 1000 and 1800 h; how parasitemias occurred between 2000 and 0400 h. However, the phase of gametocyte rhythmicity in pinealectomized plus enucleated turkey hosts did exhibit a lag with reference to other hosts when examined by least squares fits of simple harmonics. Under conditions of “darkness” with intermittent, irregular periods of red light, L. smithi gametocyte numbers of individual turkeys, pinealectomized, sham‐pinealectomized, or maintained as controls, exhibited a circadian periodicity though parasite cycles were out of phase with the natural photoperiod to which the turkeys previously had been exposed. A slight drift out of phase of L. smithi gametocyte periodicity occurred among turkeys in the sham‐pinealectomized and the control groups while a considerably more prominent drift out of phase was seen among the parasite rhythmicity patterns of the pinealectomized birds. Data indicate that the pineal gland of the turkey did not directly mediate L. smithi gametocyte circadian periodicity, although an indirect involvement in regulating the timing of parasite rhythmicity is suggested.