Alkoxyberyllium tetrahydroborates: t-butoxyberyllium pentane-2,4-dionate and complexes of t-butoxyberyllium oxide

The tetrahydroborates Me2EtCOBeBH4 and Et3COBeBH4 are dimeric in contrast to monomeric (BH4)2Be3(OBut)4. t-Butoxyberyllium tetrahydroborate is unreactive to olefins and does not reduce acetone or benzophenone in toluene, but reduces benzophenone in ether. With acetone and tetrahydrofuran, the oxide, {ButOBe(thf)}2O, is formed, and pyridine gives {ButOBe(py)}2O. The pentane-2,4-dionato-complex, {ButOBe(C5H5O2)}2, is formed from the diketone and either ButOBeBH4 or ButOBeMe. Reaction of pentane-2,4-dione with t-butoxy-beryllium tetrahydroborate appears to proceed by two competing paths, one leading to the pentane-2,4-dionate mentioned above and the other to reduction of the dione giving 4,6-dimethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborinan, which was also synthesised from diborane and either pentane-2,4-dione or pentane-2,4-diol.

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