Gonococcic meningitis is a very rare clinical condition, considering the fact that we have been able to find only twenty-two cases reported in the medical literature. Most of these reports were in foreign medical journals. Strictly speaking, one should not consider gonococcic meningitis as a separate and distinct primary disease entity, since it developed in the presence of an active gonococcic infection elsewhere in the body in each of the twenty-two reported cases. This is also true of the case to be reported in this article. Therefore this condition should be considered as a complication of a gonococcic infection occurring primarily in some other organ or system of the body. It may originate by metastasis from a gonorrheal vaginitis, urethritis, prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, arthritis, ophthalmitis or any combination of these conditions, as well as of others. It is believed that cases of gonococcic meningitis have been overlooked in the past,