Tubulovasostomy in the Rat A New Experimental Model

Tubular patency is the primary concern in the evaluation of procedures for epididymovasostomy. The epididymal lumen easily becomes occluded or obstructed, with the resulting recurrence of azoospermia. Recently, twolayer direct anastomosis has been advocated. The aim of the present study was to present an experimental model of tubulovasostomy in the rat. Microsurgery was performed in 18 rats (16–40 × magnification). Suture material used was 11/0 Vycryl® or nylon for the internal layer of the anastomosis and 10/0 Ethilon® for the external layer. After 6 and 12 weeks, semen samples were obtained by electroejaculation and evaluated for sperm count and motility.

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