Numerical comparison of preconditionings for large sparse finite element problems

A numerical study of the efficiency of the modified conjugate gradients (MCG) is performed using different preconditioning schemes. The MCG behavior is evaluated in connection with the solution of large linear sets of symmetric positive definite (p.d.) equations, arising from the finite element (f.e.) integration of partial differential equations of parabolic and elliptic type and the analysis of the leftmost eingenspectrum of the corresponding matrices. A simple incomplete Cholesky factorization ICCG(O) having the same sparsity pattern as the original problem is compared with a more complex technique ICAJ (Ψ) where the triangular factor is allowed to progressively fill in depending on a rejection parameter Ψ. The performance of the preconditioning algorithms is explored on finite element equations whose sizeNranges between 150 and 2300. The results show that an optimal Ψoptmay be found which minimizes the overall CPU time for the solution of both the linear system and the eigenproblem. The comparison indicates that ICAJ (Ψopt) is not significantly more efficient than ICCG(O), which therefore appears to be a simple, robust, and reliable method for the preconditioning of large sparse finite element models.

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