WES (Waterways Experiment Station) High-Pressure Uniaxial Strain and Triaxial Shear Test Equipment

In order to investigate the effective stress response of fully saturated soil under high total stress (69 MPa), two test devices were designed. Both devices are capable of back-pressure saturating test specimens and of measuring pore fluid pressures. One of the devices, a uniaxial strain test device, is capable of statically or dynamically testing remolded and undisturbed specimens to a maximum vertical stress of 100 MPa. The other, a triaxial test chamber, is capable of statistically testing 7.62-cm-diameter remolded and undisturbed specimens to confining stresses of 100 MPa and to axial loads of 60 kN. This report describes the two test devices, documents the procedures used to test specimens and to process the data, and presents examples of data obtained from the devices for a variety of loading paths.

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