Patient and parental awareness of the importance of immediate management of traumatised teeth

Abstract— The purpose of this study was to assess patient and parental awareness of the importance of immediate management of traumatised teeth. A three‐part questionnaire comprising questions on demographic data, attitude and knowledge was distributed to patients or accompanying parents who presented to the principal author for treatment in an 8‐week period. One hundred and fifty‐seven respondents with a mean age of 31.1 years participated in the study. Only 30% of the respondents recalled having had previous experience of dental trauma. The majority of the respondents, especially those with a higher educational background, had a positive attitude, expressing enthusiasm for public education on emergency management of dental trauma (85%). The availability of an emergency service during office. hours was known by 71% of the respondents while only 26% were aware of the after‐office‐hour emergency service. Participants generally had a better concept of management of avulsed teeth (63%) compared to that of fractured teeth (35%). Knowledge on some critical aspects of the handling of avulsed teeth was poor (6%). Using multiple logistic regression analysis, it was found that the respondents' attitude tended to be influenced by their educational background (P=0.08). In addition, subjects with higher education were more knowdedgeable regarding the emergency service available during office hours (P=0.05) and the concept of management of fractured teeth (P=0.02). Educational background appeared to influence the level of awareness of the importance of immediate management of traumatised teeth.