Summary: An unusual case of transitional cell carcinoma of the male urethra is presented. The commoner squamous‐cell types are discussed.The usual zetiological factors, urethral stricture, or seedlings from papillomatous tumours higher in the urinary track are considered in relation to this case and are not found pertinent.When the patient was seen originally there was no evidence of stricture, but as he was not submitted to urethroscopy the possibility that he may have had a patch of submucous infiltration cannot be excluded.The symptoms and signs are discussed; the patient presented with gangrene of the penis.Diagnosis was made by palpation of an indurated swelling which failed to resolve with penicillin. Urethroscopic confirmation was technically impossible.Treatment was by radical amputation of the penis and the construction of a perineal urethra.The patient is being kept under surveyance in order that block dissection of the inguinal glands may be undertaken should they become involved by metastatic spread.

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