Fifty-two inbred populations of Drosophila melanogaster, each founded from a single pair, and a large number of control, outbred flies were measured for fitness and a set of six traits. A survey of the literature on the effects of inbreeding and population bottlenecks demonstrates that the commonly observed pattern of an apparent variance among characters and among species in changes of phenotypic variance may in fact be largely the result of sampling error, given the pattern of change that we demonstrate within a species for the same character. In our study, population bottlenecks on average decrease the amount of phenotypic variance for a suite of wing characteristics and size, but there is large and significant variation among lines in the amount of phenotypic variance. As a result, several lines increased in variance in spite of the average decrease. Interestingly, the changes in phenotypic variance for fitness are in sharp contrast to those seen for phenotypic variance for morphological traits. The amount of phenotypic variance for fitness varies highly significantly among lines but, on average, is increased by bottlenecks. The changes in phenotypic variance as a result of population bottlenecks are large enough to significantly affect the probability of peak shifts by the variance-induced peak shift model.
Funding Information
  • NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  • Royal Society