Keratoprosthesis: an update

Porous polytetrafluoroethylene and polyurethane skirt materials, as well as copolymers of poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), have shown promise in approaching the goal of a "biointegratable" keratoprosthesis. A novel fixation method that uses scleral haptics also has been introduced to increase stability. An all silicone device that can be sewn into position has been used successfully, temporarily, during vitreoretinal procedures. The prognosis of keratoprosthesis (KPro) procedures depends on the preoperative diagnosis: graft failure-noncicatrizing disease>ocular cicatricial pemphigoid>chemical burns>Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The likelihood of endophthalmitis after KPro surgery follows this scheme. Causative organisms tend to be gram-positive. Modified vitreoretinal techniques also have been developed, allowing successful treatment of posterior segment complications. The science of keratoprosthesis is advancing more rapidly than in previous years. However, use of KPro to address complicated corneal blindness worldwide remains limited. The authors conducted an English language literature review from January 1, 2000 to April 1, 2001 and describe advances of note in the field of keratoprosthesis design, materials, and medical and surgical management.