Further measurements of forward-charged-pion electroproduction at largek2

Measurements of the electroproduction reaction e+pe+π++n carried out at the Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory are reported. For fixed virtual photon-hadron center-of-mass energy, W=2.67 GeV, data are presented with the mass of the virtual photon, k2, centered at 0.6, 1.2, and 2.0 GeV2. At the central k2=1.2 (GeV)2 point, results are also given for W=2.15 GeV. For the W=2.67, k2=1.2 GeV2 setting, an angular scan is presented and the longitudinal transverse-interference term is extracted. The data are compared with an electron Born-model calculation of Berends which has as its only free parameter the pion electromagnetic form factor. The theory is used to extract new results for the pion form factor up to k2=2.0 GeV2.