Altered translation of the uncC gene coding for the epsilon subunit of the F1F0-ATPase of Escherichia coli

The nucleotide sequence of the previously described uncC424 allele was determined and found to be the same as that of a wild-type uncC gene. However, a G----A change occurred 7 nucleotides upstream from the translation start codon, changing the putative Shine-Dalgarno sequence from GAGG to GAAG. Four revertant strains were examined. In one revertant, which had normal growth and membrane properties, a single base deletion had occurred to re-form the Shine-Dalgarno sequence GAGG 1 nucleotide closer to the translation start codon. A second revertant had a single base deletion in the preceding uncD gene, causing an extension of the beta subunit by 6 amino acids and an increase, presumably by translational coupling, in the amount of epsilon subunit. The third and fourth revertant strains were phenotypically similar and had either C----T or G----T changes 18 or 19 nucleotides, respectively, upstream from the translation start codon.