Galvanic Nystagmography

During binauricular stimulation with the cathode on the right and the left tragus, using d.c. constant current increasing from 0 to 1 600 μ ml;A, the velocity of the slow component of the elicited nystagmus was traced using Torok's photocell connected direct to a potentiometer writer. The speed of the slow component was found to be a linear function of the current strength. As a measure for the difference between the sensitivity on the right and the left side galvanic index (GI) is outlined. The GI-value expresses the quotient between an increase of φ°/sec/mA on the two sides. The distribution of the GI-values in normal subjects is found to be Gaussian. It is also found that the difference between the within-subjects variance and the between-subjects variance is not significant.