Skin Collagen Biosynthesis In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated With D-Penicillamine

Collagen biosynthesis was measured in skin biopsies taken from 13 patients with rheumatoid arthritis before and after at least 6 months' continuous treatment with D-peniciilamine, 1.0 g/day. There was a significant 36% reduction in mean collagen biosynthesis (p14C-hydroxyproline formation from 14C-proline during 24 h of tissue culture. The changes in 14C-hydroxy-proline formation were correlated with the total doses of D-penicillamine taken (r=0.71, pr=0.72, pin vitroinhibited both collagen and general protein synthesis (p<0.01). It is suggested that the clinical improvement induced by D-penicillamine could reflect an inhibition of collagen proliferation in the synovium.