Long range restriction analysis of the bovine casein genes

Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to analyse the organization of the bovine αs1, αs2, βS and ϰ casein genes. High molecular weight DNA was prepared from fibroblasts and lymphocytes embedded in agarose and was digested with the restriction endonucleases Clal, Sail, Smal, Xhol. The digestion products were separated by PFGE, transfered to nitrocellulose filters and hybridized to probes corresponding to the cDNAs of the four bovine casein genes. The casein genes were demonstrated to be physically linked within a region of 300 kb, represented by two adjacent Xhol fragments in fibroblasts and by a single fragment in lymphocytes. A restriction map of the casein locus was derived and the order of the genes was shown to be ϰ, αs2, β, αs1.