Hadron properties in lattice QCD with dynamical fermions

Incorporating dynamical Kogut-Susskind fermions into a Monte Carlo simulation of QCD, we have analyzed the masses of low-lying hadrons, chiral-symmetry breaking, and the interquark potential. We used a 24×123 lattice for two couplings g, where β=6g2=5.20 and 5.35. The quark masses were ma=0.075, 0.050, and 0.025 (a being the lattice spacing). We find that the pattern of hadron masses of the π, ρ, and N is qualitatively as seen experimentally. The pion mass squared is proportional to the quark mass and thus behaves as expected from chiral symmetry. Values for the quark condensate extrapolated to ma=0, the renormalization-group-invariant quark mass, and the pion decay constant are in reasonable agreement with values derived from experiment or from current algebra. If we fix the lattice spacing from the ρ mass, we see evidence for the screening effect of light-quark-antiquark pairs in the potential between two massive quarks. At β=5.20 and ma=0.050 we find good agreement between the results from our pseudofermion method and those from a hybrid simulation.