Prostate cancer and prostate bed SPECT imaging with ProstaScint®: Semiquantitative correlation with prostatic biopsy results

BACKGROUND ProstaScint® (Cytogen Corporation, Princeton, NJ) murine monoclonal antibody imaging is FDA-approved for imaging of prostate cancer patients at high risk for metastatic disease and patients postprostatectomy with a rising serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level. ProstaScint® is a murine monoclonal antibody which targets prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA). PSMA expression is upregulated in primary and metastatic prostate cancer. FDA Cytogen (Princeton, NJ) protocol studies using 111indium-labeled ProstaScint® revealed correlation between areas of increased concentration in the prostate and biopsy-proven tumors in patients imaged pretherapy. METHODS In our study, four transverse, single-photon emission tomography (SPECT) images were isolated and regions of interest were selected and correlated with pretherapy prostate biopsy results. Prostate cancer and normal tissue prostate/muscle background (P/M) ratios were derived, so that postprostatectomy/radiation therapy patients could be evaluated for the presence of residual prostate cancer. Twenty-three pretherapy prostate cancer patients with quadrant/sextant biopsies had SPECT 96-hr 111indium ProstaScint® pelvic images. The four transverse 1-cm slices above the midline penile blood pool were chosen, and four to six 27–30-pixel regions of interest were placed over the prostate bed. The background muscle region of interest was placed over the external obturator muscle region. The P/M ratio was calculated and compared to the quadrant/sextant prostatic biopsy result. The same procedure was applied to 17 posttherapy prostate cancer patients with rising PSA. RESULTS In the 23 pretherapy prostate cancer patients, there was a correlation between the P/M ratio of at least 3.0 in 32 of 35 prostatic cancer biopsy regions, and there was correlation with P/M ratios less than 3.0 in 82 of 89 negative biopsy regions. Seventeen posttherapy patients underwent ProstaScint® studies. Six underwent biopsy, with typically one biopsy site per patient. All 6 had P/M ratios greater than 3.0 in the biopsied region. Five out of six biopsies revealed residual prostate cancer. CONCLUSIONS A prostate/muscle ratio was developed from 111indium ProstaScint® regions of interest obtained on 1-cm SPECT transverse slices through the prostate bed in 23 patients preprostatic cancer therapy. A P/M ratio above 3.0 correlated in the majority of positive cases, and a P/M ratio below 3.0 was demonstrated in negative prostatic biopsy cases. The P/M ratio of above 3.0 or below 3.0 also separated those posttherapy prostate cancer patients with rising PSA who had residual prostate carcinoma in the prostate bed. Prostate 37:140–148, 1998.