Hemoglobin Chongqing [α2(NA2)LEU→ARG] and Hemoglobin Harbin [α16(A14)LYS→MET] Found in China

Hemoglobin Chongqing is a new slowly-moving and unstable hemoglobin variant with a high oxygen affinity, that was discovered in five members of a Chinese family in the suburb of Chongqing. Hemoglobin Harbin is another new rapidly-moving hemoglobin variant with slightly reduced stability and slightly increased oxygen affinity, found in a Chinese woman living in Harbin. The relative amounts of these two variants in the pro-positi were about 9% and 18%, respectively. Sequence analyses identified a Leu→ARG substitution at position α2(NA2) of Hb Chongqing, and a Lys→MET substitution at position α16(A14) of Hb Harbin.