Restitution of Reaching and Grasping Promoted by Functional Electrical Therapy

Functional electrical therapy (FET) is a new term describing a combination of functional electrical stimulation that generates life‐like movement and intensive exercise in humans with central nervous system lesions. We hypothesized that FET can promote a significant recovery of functioning if applied in subacute stroke subjects. The study included 16 stroke subjects divided into a low functioning group (LFG) and a high functioning group (HFG) based on their ability to control wrist and fingers and randomly associated into FET and controls. The FET consisted of 30 min daily sessions during 3 weeks. The exercise comprised functional use of daily necessary activities (e.g., writing, using a telephone receiver, and drinking from a can). The outcome presented in this article is the upper‐extremity function test performed before and after the therapy. The change in performance of the HFG group was significant. The number of successful repetitive movements in 2 min was doubled and 1.6 times increased for controls, and the time to perform the movement was decreased by 71% percent and by 36% in controls. In the LFG FET group, the difference in performance was the following. First, the number of tasks was increased from 0 to 6 (total of 11 tasks). Second, the averaged number of successful repetitive movements was increased from 0 to 3. The functional improvement in the FET LFG is probably not sufficient to make the more affected arm/hand effective for daily necessities; thus, the FET effects could deteriorate over a longer time. The subjects from the control LFG made only a marginal improvement. The follow‐up for each subject will continue for 12 months after the beginning of the treatment.