Hyperfine Magnetic Field atHg198in Iron

The precession of the 412-keV state (τ=31.9±3.2 psec,g=0.55±0.11) of Hg198 in the internal field in iron was measured by observing the integral magnetically perturbed angular correlation (IMPAC) of the 675-412-keV cascade. Several sources differing in metallurgical treatment and in the way the parent activity of Au198 was introduced into the Fe were measured. Ion-implanted sources yielded the same hf field as carefully annealed metallurgical sources (H0=640±160 kOe,ωτ=54±6 mrad), whereas unannealed or rapidly quenched sources yielded lower values for the hf field (H0=520±130 kOe,ω0τ=44±5 mrad). The low-field values may be associated with the Au198 impurity atoms trapped in imperfections in the Fe crystal. Using the high value for H0 determined in the present work together with previous IMPAC results on Coulomb-excited Hg198 nuclei implanted into iron, a value for the transient magnetic effect on Hg nuclei recoiling through iron is calculated and is in agreement with the known transient-field systematics.