Rotational band contour analysis in the 2800 Å system ofp-dichlorobenzene

The method of rotational band contour analysis has been applied to the 0-0 band of the 2800 å system of p-dichlorobenzene. It has been shown to be a type B band requiring a 1 B 2u 1 Ag electronic assignment. The rotational origin of the band is at 35 740·5 ± 0·2 cm-1. The 0 + 538 cm-1 band is shown to be type A: the vibration involved is therefore of symmetry species b 3g . Interpretation of the excited state rotational constants determined indicates a contraction of the C-Cl bonds compared with the ground state and a ring geometry which differs only slightly from that of the 1 B 2u state of benzene.

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